Here's a little sampling from 3/21/08
But blessed is the man who trusts in the LORD, whose confidence is in him. He will be like a tree planted by the water that sends out its roots by the stream. It does not fear when heat comes; its leaves are always green. It has no worries in a year of drought and never fails to bear fruit."- Jeremiah 17:7-9
To be like that! Never fruitless! So often these days (especially on the ones where the laze of 'break' sets in) I feel as though I accomplish nothing, with the exception of maybe meriting the award for 'most time spent in the same position' for my age group & capability level. It's relaxing, sure.
But what, by relaxing, am I really accomplishing?
What, by relaxing, am I enabling God to accomplish?
Yes, relaxation can be good -- surely everybody needs some rest now and then.
Surely, though, nobody needs t h i s much.
My one goal for this break was to finish all of my correspondence course lessons.
That is, Lessons 10.5 - 16
I have answered three questions. Total.
Lesson 11 is queued.
This error is somewhat unsettling to me, and I pray God forgives me for my lack of productivity.
And not only am I forgiven, but reminded of the hope He gives us so freely!
If I depend on myself to get work (or anything) done, the furthest I will probably get is a blinking-cursor-deep into the middle of a Food Network marathon. (The t.v.'s not 'broken' at the moment...
But I don't have to do it on my own!! Good thing :D ! Here, with Jeremiah's help, we are reassured that if we put our trust in God,
he'll make us fruitful.
In this year of correspondence drought,
he can make me fruitful.
Praise the Lord!