The Couchfire Collective is a Columbus-based Arts collective, working together to nurture their own creativity, as well as to inspire the surrounding community toward artistically-focused betterment. Their article led me to take a look at their website which, after searching a few profiles, led me to CCAD's website. The more I thought about art, the more I realized that I totally should have been taking art classes in High School. Not only does a lot of the pleasure in my life come from discovering and exploring the creativity God blessed me with, but something in me has always resonated with 'the art kids' (or, that is, they are the ones that I feel I would have fit-in best with, given the opportunity. [Since choir satisfied the 'arts' credit, I never got around to giving anything like ceramics or acrylics or drawing a shot.] I in no way want to generalize, but they all seemed so laid back, original, resourceful, and so contentedly focused on something way deeper than all the usual teenage preoccupations. They were, it seemed, open-minded, open-hearted, and overall just like fun people to be around. It's something I always admired. )
Realizing all this, I began to chide myself for not having taken that into account 5 years ago... but I'm confident God had me where he wanted me. Better yet, I realized...
it's not too late to become an art student!
As thoughts of this started bounding around in my mind it was like all these little bits of thought started rolling toward each other to form this MASSIVE snowball of an idea...

CCAD would be cool to attend! But it is expensive. But if I work for the hospital, there is a chance they could support tuition! But surely it has to be something health-related... Art Therapy!
Art therapy could help to enrich others' lives, and I could begin in the hospital setting to found a basic undertaking of the concept and get good experience... then I could use that foundation as a springboard...
... for missions! I could work with children / teens / adults anywhere in the world that are going through tough times, experiencing disabilities, (whatever the situation might be) and introduce art into their lives as a form of creative expression through which they can manipulate the range of their energies and emotions... and by doing so, not only offer them the outlet they might be needing, but at the same time help foster deep within them them and enduring sense of self-esteem and hope, that they might discover a sense of purpose [not by finding a way to escape their problems, but to deal with them in a way that gives them power over their struggle.] Perhaps even later, after everything has been given a chance to develop, there could be a way for them to sell their artwork or something to fund their cause, whatever it might be.
I don't know the details, but I know there is definitely potential.
As I think and pray more about it, I'll be able to more eloquently communicate this vision.
for now I just wanted to get this out there!
God, thank you for putting this in my mind and on my heart!
I could use art for missions,
for helping others to live full lives,
to please God through this restoration.

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