Today we washed eggs (a new wonderful tradition,) hosted students for a field trip,organized some shelfage, did a good amount of weeding and unsuccessfully attempted to guide a wayward cow back into his pasture. (Somehow he escaped!) Fortunately good farmer Jeff knew just how to get him back. With this I learned that cows don't really respond successfully to being "feed-led" (bribed to follow their food from your hand... we may have employed this method) because they're primarily interested in all of the green green grass that, at this time of year, exists only sparsely in their own pasture. The great news for everybody is that soon the cows will move to the currently unoccupied pasture (which has been resting, that it might gather many lovely greens!) and away from their rapidly tiring former home. This not only benefits the old pasture as it will now have a chance to recover, but is also very nice for the cows who will be happy to feast on all of the great green stuff. Farmer Jeff says that once they are moved the Jerseys will not have any desire to escape because everything they could want will be right in their own home! On the down side a transition of this nature might remove from the interns' day some element of surprise and opportunity for learning experience... but surely the farm will find other ways to compensate :).
That's pretty much it for now. In other news I made soymilk tonight and granola is in the oven! I haven't tried it yet but it's so easy to make that if it does turn out it would be difficult to justify paying sooooo much for it in stores... I'll have to follow up on this!
*Later-added granola notes: nice, but not very sweet!
**Second time around: most excellent! Tried Alton Brown's recipe
***The soymilk... was disgusting. Uuuugggghh definitely going to continue to buy mine unless some experienced person teaches me how to make it correctly. Uuugh.
Peace and carrots,
Ashley :)
Ps, below are some egg-washing photos from earlier this week. Fun fun!

dirty poopy eggs

clean open sink

careful willing hands (eeew the pooooop!)

trusty labled cartons
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