It all started when I woke up and remembered that yesterday's purchases included NEW SHAMPOO! The carrot stuff pretty well ran out and as such I was searching for something new and equally jazzy. Preferably banana. They did not carry any such product at Whole Foods (if not them, then who?) but I did find a couple of reasonably-priced bottles of herbal mint shampoo and conditioner in banana's fruity stead. This was a particular treat, because it happens to be the scent of summer and productivity, as similar savory hygenic goods were freely dispensed in the showers at the pool where I spent a recent couple of summers lifeguarding. After early morning swim-instruction we would rest in the hot tub for a few minutes, whenceforth I often-as-possible snuck off to the shower [naturally for the sole purpose of using the shampoo] before claiming my share in the coming shift's responsibilties. Not only this, but it is all quite natural!
How thrilling to think that this is how I can start my tomorrow, too.
Next came two great church services. In the college class we started a series called Blemished, which focuses on the book of Malachi. "Ma la chee," you (I) may ask (asked)? "And what does that have to offer?" So far, the realization that we today are a lot like the folks back in the day that didn't quite trust and love God the way He deserves. The series' author made a lot of enlightening connections between then and now, and I look forward to further enrichment through more of these connections. After this was third service, during which we had a really valuable, well-timed lesson about investing our lives in what really matters... "Do not store up for yoursevles treasures on earth, where moth and rust destroy and where thieves break in and steal. But store up for yourselves treasures in heaven where moth and rust do not destroy and where thives do not break in and steal. For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also."
Matthew 6:19-21
After church was lunch at my favorite Indian restaurant, followed by a nice time at Highbanks, resting and digesting and taking a few photos in some of the wooded area.
Tim and Melissa (uncle, aunt) were at Grandma and Grandpa's along with Hunter and Isabelle (cousin, cousin) so it was nice to see them all for a brief while before heading to Veritas...
where there were so many wonderful people with whom to enjoy fellowship and God's goodness along with one of the most EXCELLENT messages I've learned from to date. Nick did a great job of appealing to God to open our hearts that we might grasp the power of the truth about Jesus that our minds have so passively managed to weaken and disregard. He basically reestablished that Jesus is truly the purpose/foundation/rationality/hope/aspiration/salvation of all creation. Once we really get that -- with our hearts, beyond our minds -- our whole lives will joyously respond in giving God all the credit possible in every way possible for every beautiful characterization of Himself that Hes made apparent in each other, nature, His word, relationships, the food we eat, events and ourselves. Not to mention... everything else.
He is amazing and deserves everything we have to offer in response to this truth.
A good-sized group met and ate at Fabian's after church (m to the mm) and on the way home we all got to enjoy in some fashion an excessively beautiful sunset and great evening weather. My particular style involved a breeze-filled commute back to Marysville in the delectable company of a melding of stuck-together gummy bears and U2/ Copeland. The combination effortlessly coaxed a most delighted sqreal (squeal/scream) from the very bottom of all the gratitude my soul had to offer, express to and at the disposal of God Himself.
Praise God for such goodness and fullness of life.
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