Peanut butter, a loofah and tea (tropical yerba mate!) sit expectantly on my floor, along with a blank journal, Austria in Poetry and History, and Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close, by Jonathan Safran Foer. This same man authored Everything is Illuminated, part of which involves a Jon-fen Elijah Wood in a train across and meaningful journey throughout Eastern Europe. That train ride has inspired through its images, in me, the desire to see and know a similar experience.
Today I leave for the 'BAD' trip (Belguim, Austria, Deutschland,) with Kontaktmission to learn more about church planting in Europe, as well as 'Member Care,' or counseling for missionaries. Little did I suspect our coordinators to suggest we fly into Switzerland in order to save on airfare. Much less did I expect we'd get to travel to their headquarters Stuttgart, Germany by train!
As much as the transportation itself, I look forward to the places it will take us. I'm excited to think about the shift and depth of perspective all the new personalities, stories and cultures we'll come to know have to share about God; who He is, how He loves, and even parts of Him I've never thought about before.
For now, I still have packing to do! Somehow I'll find a way to fit everything on the floor into my suitcase, and keep it under fifty pounds. This trip comes with adventure all the way through.
Prepare for a jet-lag-tinged update!
In His Peace,
Who said 'getting your bag ready' couldn't be fun?
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