All the following: Crystals.
Note compatibility between purpose and appearance. Further, note the significances and implications that might come to mind as you consider this!
Experimented with as a local anesthetic.
Used to treat acne, eczema, psoriasis and other skin conditions.
Involved in the production of urea, or the product of the breakdown of nitrogen in our blood. Nitrogen and our body cells don't really react, so I'm not sure what this means. Lately, popular claim identifies L-Arginine as the 'anti-aging magic bullet' (take the advert-ising hype for what it's worth,) supposedly boosting the immune system, improving athletic performance and speeding recovery time after surgery.
An organic solvent. From the Latin solvere, "loosen." Sulfuric.
What to do with this new understanding?
Hi, I like you blog. Thanks for the prayers.
Well, thank you! Sorry I'm so late with the reply, but I certainly appreciate your feedback and hope you keep up the good work :).
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