Sunday, September 30, 2012

by grace

I know what I know, which is increasingly more than I knew and less than I ought to have known. 
Grateful for understanding and wisdom, as any is a gift--
 still, praying for more, and it - with depth.

Monday, September 24, 2012

Moving to TN!

If this blog does, indeed, serve to chronicle my life's standout events and realizations, it'd be silly of me not to highlight the latest notable transition.  In two weeks I leave for West Tennessee in order to continue to grow into my long-term hopes to serve in a Member Care capacity with the good folks of Kontaktmission!
   Our tentative plan stands that I shall work toward paying off school loans before I'm prepared to focus on full-time work with Kontaktmission (KM).  As such, the more involvement I can get with KM as I work now, the better!  This in mind, KMUSA's director, Rob Harris, has worked hard to connect with his community in such a way as to make it possible for me to live and work with them in KM's stateside office's hometown, Humboldt, TN.  Here, I'll have the chance to work about 15 hours a week in the office and to supplement a full-time workweek at the local Café where I'll have the opportunity to once again navigate the adventure-full school-loan waters from the sturdy helms of my good old Barista-ship.
            On a special note, I should mention the significance of my ability to be paid for the work I will do in the office (mostly administrative and a little networking for now); that is - even the Director and his wife raise support to serve as they do in this ministry (this essentially means they connect with those who have a heart for the work and desire to help carry it financially and through prayer, making it possible for those serving to further concentrate their energies on the other efforts-at-hand.)  As I am to be paid for my own work in the office through their funds, my time with them will remain limited, as they must continue to do their best to allocate these funds in ways most sustainable to the organization as a whole.
            For as much as I enjoy the chance to brighten others' days by way of a well-prepared coffee drink, my bigger-picture hope is to inspire, encourage, and learn with them, through God's wisdom and love, to love and serve Him well.  I am excited as I mull over the definition of Member Care to discover the ways it resonates with my own heart and hopes, and the particular ways God has made me to serve His people, and so, Him! 

  Should you have any questions about the work or KM or Europe's current spiritual reality, please feel free to contact me so we can talk more about them!  (You can comment below, give me a call, email, send an intuitive pigeon...)  If you'd like to support KM in supporting me towards giving my full-time focus to their work, I'd be happy to talk more about that as well!)
  Grateful for the chance to share this update with you, and hope you're in for a satisfying and well-lived day.
Much peace,
  Ashley :)

Friday, September 21, 2012

Cada día es un viaje,
y el viaje en sí mismo es el hogar.


"...Every object, every being,
is a jar full of delight.
Be a connoisseur, and taste with caution.

Any wine will get you high.
Judge like a king, and choose the purest,
not the ones adulterated with fear,
or some urgency about 'what's needed.'

Drink the wine that moves you
as a camel moves when its been untied,
and is just ambling about."

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

when a friend hurts

it's a rainy day here.

but the windows are open and the wind keeps breathing the curtains in, back out.

feeling heartbroken, connected, too far away.

Sunday, September 16, 2012


These are the days of a candle on the mantle and an open front door; the cool air of fall and baking we've not yet done - (this year, because nuts aren't in our budget, and what is carrot cake or oatmeal cookies without nuts?)  These days have flowers on the kitchen table, nearby lightswitch flipped 'off,' the rustle of mom and her paper on the Sunday porch, and an ongoing rumble of clothes in the dryer.  Expectation for tonight's dinner plans, rest, and a delay of the future's inevitable - Mondays, money, moves.  For now it's Sunday, and I have no homework.  I do have tea and a mercifully clean heart.  Life is good.

Saturday, September 15, 2012

el atone-yo

Took quite a few double-takes today on the course of my walk home from the farmer's market.  Good looking men?  Noope. (Okay, maybe once.)  Whats really caught my eye lately are the leaves coming to grace the ground, and their c o l o r s !  They look fascinating in their brilliant combinations.  If I wasn't sure about having a favorite season before, I certainly am now.  And it's fall!  Feels silly to claim a favorite (what's the purpose in this, anyway?) but it also feels good, like having a cute crush and divulging the bubbling little secret to your closest girl friend :). 

         I     r   e   a   l   l   y     l   i   k   e     f   a   l   l   l   l   l   l     :   )   !

Friday, September 14, 2012

"Let me fly with you."


a place where the day's highlights can perpetually shine.  Little things, perhaps, but I don't want to forget the goodness brought my way so far. 

- Coffee from Global Gallery, the tumbler which incidentally matched my outfit.  (Why do I favor these little occurrences so?)
- Time with coffee and Ms. Plath at the Park of Roses.  Picked the right bench, as a few chapters in two of those pudgy little huff-puff doggies beelined through a rose patch to jump up and say hello.  Always had a preference for bigger dogs, but these little friends and their manner (and hilarious snort-y breathing) never fail to give my heart a happy laugh.
- Realized it was not, in fact, only Columbus' Victorian Village I like most in the fall, but all of Columbus.
- Thrifting for the first time in so long.  The holes in my clothes are starting to get holes.
- Driving south on High through the heart of campus, singing to Brandi Carlile (with windows cracked a bit so that I can sing for somebody, however inadvertently.  I play it cool, but inside always get a little excited when I think someone else is within earshot.) I enjoyed so much the liveliness of the place, people walking all about.  It's places like this I like the most, at least when my blood is feeling social --  Everywhere a promise of something good happening now and something good to do later.  Wished very much I had friends with whom to enjoy the afternoon there; we could go to a park, get some coffee, walk forever down High street until we felt like turning around. 
- It became clear that for as out-and-about an evening as that for which I had hoped, it was shaping up to be quite the opposite.  Stopped at World Market for the sake of lingering in that area as long as possible with no real intent for purchase except maybe to find a nice gift for a deserving birthday-girl cousin.  Found instead Chai for mom, as hers just ran out.  Normally I'd purchase it elsewhere, but it happens to be pumpkin flavored.  (I'm almost already as over pumpkin everything right now as I am all the political woo woo happening of late, but even pumpkin spice sauerkraut has a better chance of not making me want to puke than the tiniest taste of this less-than-savory political stew.)    As for the gift, I left with ideas.
- Made me think of the pumpkin greek yogurt Gracie Luu found at Trader Joe's, so I designated it my newest mission.  They had just about everything but, and what I left with was much the same; goodies appealing to my recent appetite, contributing to my running mental-list.  These included: sourdough baguette, acieto balsamico, super firm tofu to make in friend's friend's tasty fashion (at last!), green tea (also fresh out!)  and a modest wedge of comte, which I'm most eager to try.
- About to head home, and realized I forgot to check for nutritional yeast (part of what makes the friend's friend's tofu so good, and my popcorn forays so enjoyable) -- remembered in time to cut into Whole Foods' shopping center.  Had an adventure trying to find it, as the bulk section is new and re-situated -- (and boy, is it looking handsome!)  Found it, and this!  Their graphics creep me out, which is frankly enough to divert my further interest, but the description sounded sooo good.

As for the rest of the day, can't wait to meet up with Ms. Plath again and try that Weyerbacher, hopefully with some tasty, 'nutritionally fortified' popcorn.

A day in the life, I guess.  (At least when I have money! ha.)   I think it was about the time I was pulling into the thrift store parking lot, stepping out of the car into cool, skirt-blowing air, mind strangely soothed by the overcast, that I thought "I love days like this, so extraordinarily ordinary."  And it's true and good; life there for the living.  Here's to the keenly remembering and appreciating the days when we're under no obligation, when time lets go and bids us good venture with the wind.

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

I died, I died, I died. 
   I'm alive!

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

principles of multiplication


Coffee and orange,
paint peel wood, sun-bleached alleyways.
Ivy the green of seasons.

There's a feeling I haven't been able to capture [let alone designate] since I first felt it,
fourteen years ago
(until now)

It's fall in Columbus, in the Victorian Village.  That's it.  It's a numinous and tangible nostalgia in-the-making,
a dark wood kitchen table,
day trips with dad to the park by the river,
dandelion greens and onion grass
hot chocolate and an under-appreciated sip of coffee,
digging in the dirt,
fallen colorful leaves at the locks
finding treasure in the ground, on the ground, everywhere we go.
cool sunshine day nature foragers.
I can even remember when mom came, too.

it's a feeling I don't want to leave because it smells like something more, now
that I'm older
and can hear it through radiohead and smell it in coffee, and the way of the neat-looking men who want something to do with both.

I'm always the most here just before I leave.

Saturday, September 8, 2012

Life is very colorful right now.  I'm a little overwhelmed, but grateful.

(in earnest;)

Would Jesus read The Bell Jar?  [Would he have the time?]

If I Were a Rapper

Yerba mate day, big on the t-e-a.
That's as far as it'd get.

Thanks to God for hot placidity for chilly-edged days, like Otie or Ray en les solitaires temps.

Friday, September 7, 2012

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

You'll find as much meaning as you seek.

Monday, September 3, 2012

My Humble Heroine

A visit to Grandma and Grandpa's. 
We let ourselves in to find Grandma leaning over her Bible, asleep, notes to the side.  How many times has she been through it?  Here is my highest esteem, my greatest respect.

Saturday, September 1, 2012


makes connections."

- "Reading..." Series, Chalk on Sidewalk, German Village

Overheard, 2

"...the past is just always so present."

- To My Left, An-Other Cup o' Joe