Monday, September 24, 2012

Moving to TN!

If this blog does, indeed, serve to chronicle my life's standout events and realizations, it'd be silly of me not to highlight the latest notable transition.  In two weeks I leave for West Tennessee in order to continue to grow into my long-term hopes to serve in a Member Care capacity with the good folks of Kontaktmission!
   Our tentative plan stands that I shall work toward paying off school loans before I'm prepared to focus on full-time work with Kontaktmission (KM).  As such, the more involvement I can get with KM as I work now, the better!  This in mind, KMUSA's director, Rob Harris, has worked hard to connect with his community in such a way as to make it possible for me to live and work with them in KM's stateside office's hometown, Humboldt, TN.  Here, I'll have the chance to work about 15 hours a week in the office and to supplement a full-time workweek at the local Café where I'll have the opportunity to once again navigate the adventure-full school-loan waters from the sturdy helms of my good old Barista-ship.
            On a special note, I should mention the significance of my ability to be paid for the work I will do in the office (mostly administrative and a little networking for now); that is - even the Director and his wife raise support to serve as they do in this ministry (this essentially means they connect with those who have a heart for the work and desire to help carry it financially and through prayer, making it possible for those serving to further concentrate their energies on the other efforts-at-hand.)  As I am to be paid for my own work in the office through their funds, my time with them will remain limited, as they must continue to do their best to allocate these funds in ways most sustainable to the organization as a whole.
            For as much as I enjoy the chance to brighten others' days by way of a well-prepared coffee drink, my bigger-picture hope is to inspire, encourage, and learn with them, through God's wisdom and love, to love and serve Him well.  I am excited as I mull over the definition of Member Care to discover the ways it resonates with my own heart and hopes, and the particular ways God has made me to serve His people, and so, Him! 

  Should you have any questions about the work or KM or Europe's current spiritual reality, please feel free to contact me so we can talk more about them!  (You can comment below, give me a call, email, send an intuitive pigeon...)  If you'd like to support KM in supporting me towards giving my full-time focus to their work, I'd be happy to talk more about that as well!)
  Grateful for the chance to share this update with you, and hope you're in for a satisfying and well-lived day.
Much peace,
  Ashley :)

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