"The Kingdom of heaven/God in the preaching of Jesus as recounted in the Gospels is the reign of God that he brings about through Jesus Christ -- i.e., the establishment of God's rule in the hearts and lives of his people, the overcoming of all the forces of evil, the removal from the world of all the consequences of sin -- including death and all that diminishes life -- and the creation of a new order of righteousness and peace. The idea of God's kingdom is central to Jesus' teaching and is mentioned 50 times in Matthew alone."
What does God's Kingdom look like on earth?
Are we living to perpetuate these things? [If not, what are we doing? Or, better question:]
What could we be doing now to more completely promote God's Kingdom?
Friday, May 23, 2008
Diggin It!
"The word 'vegetarian' is a term derived from the Latin 'vegetus,' meaning 'whole, sound, fresh, lively."
Wednesday, May 21, 2008
I've got the Portland pouts
Ahhh Pacific! Ahhh Washington! Ahh Oregon! Ah, Califoooooornia! Whyyyyyy
must we be sooo far apart?
Every time I rationalize, sell myself on some reason that it makes sense to be distanced,
"that's just the way it is" and whatnot
every time
I think I'm over you,
West coast,
and oooooh, you just come f l o o d i n g back to me !
in large, powerful ocean swells!
in subtly powerful pacific sunsets!
in reference after agonizingly delightful reference to your fantastically
co-op position-hiring
Portland population!
I would drive to you in a second
but mom puts her foot down
not on the gas pedal though, of course.
Someday! someday. someday.
has become the all-too-familiar refrain
Wait till you're older.
You'll have a chance to do it someday.
Life is so short though, I want to say!
Why must I wait for someday
when i have today?!
This is perhaps the most opportune time of my life
I want to say.
But I'm twenty.
and I'm female.
and my mom is my insurance provider.
i don't mean for this to be a complaint,
i rather enjoy this awkward age
rather a lot!
but it doesn't provide for much leverage in the convincing of my madre of the legitimacy of my traveling endeavors.
that's all i'm sayin i guess.
Still, praise God, there is a confidence to be found in God's timing.
Consider me a very confident young lady.
(With God's help, of course :))
I can't wait to write to you about all my adventures :O), wherever
and whenever
they take place.
Ashley :)
must we be sooo far apart?
Every time I rationalize, sell myself on some reason that it makes sense to be distanced,
"that's just the way it is" and whatnot
every time
I think I'm over you,
West coast,
and oooooh, you just come f l o o d i n g back to me !
in large, powerful ocean swells!
in subtly powerful pacific sunsets!
in reference after agonizingly delightful reference to your fantastically
co-op position-hiring
Portland population!
I would drive to you in a second
but mom puts her foot down
not on the gas pedal though, of course.
Someday! someday. someday.
has become the all-too-familiar refrain
Wait till you're older.
You'll have a chance to do it someday.
Life is so short though, I want to say!
Why must I wait for someday
when i have today?!
This is perhaps the most opportune time of my life
I want to say.
But I'm twenty.
and I'm female.
and my mom is my insurance provider.
i don't mean for this to be a complaint,
i rather enjoy this awkward age
rather a lot!
but it doesn't provide for much leverage in the convincing of my madre of the legitimacy of my traveling endeavors.
that's all i'm sayin i guess.
Still, praise God, there is a confidence to be found in God's timing.
Consider me a very confident young lady.
(With God's help, of course :))
I can't wait to write to you about all my adventures :O), wherever
and whenever
they take place.
Ashley :)
Portland Oregon,
the West Coast,
Monday, May 12, 2008
Well it's 1:41 am and thanks to the vanilla.soy-enhanced tea earlier, I'm nowhere near bed. What better to do, then, then think / type / create some sort of introspective-yet-generally-applicable ramble(?)
Or maybe just think about what tomorrow might include.
Or maybe just allow for some unrestricted, not-necessarily-organized thought. I think I like that option the best.
In that case,
#1: I miss North Carolina. I haven't seen a whooole lot of it, but the parts that I have been blessed enough to mingle in have --effortlessly, it seems -- managed to leave an impression on me. I can't deny that its people have a part in it, but on an equal slant, its super super natural beauty-- dark but lovely, bright but unassertive -- is beyond forgetting. I miss Boone, I miss that spot on the drive through the mountains that looks like the ocean in the distance, I miss Asheville. I'm so thankful for what North Carolina, piece by piece, has meant to me over the past couple of years. buuuut i miss it. buuut i trust God will make of this what He will.
#2: For whatever reason, film-making has greatly intrigued me, lately. Not like the big-scale, big time productions, but the small, simple (but so significant) ones. There's just something about preserving memories. About revealing a truth. About that feeling you get at the end of a movie -- that inspired one, that post-film buzz that really gets you going and motivates you beyond what you were before.
#3: The future looks like this:
Options, options!
I'm grateful for options, choosing is unnaturally (and probably unnecessarily) 'tough'
but it makes for a good-natured sort of predicament.
but anyway, the options:
(*) Head to West Africa in Jan. or February to teach missionary neen-yos as a Short-Term Assistant for about 7 months
(*) Attend the University of New Mexico in the fall to start on a Nutrition degree. Probably with a focus on community health. Probably in such a way that I could apply it to missions, for contributing to the well-being of communities any/every where in the world, even in the U.S.!
(*) Pursue a year-long internship with ECHO to learn mas y mas about horticulture and such
(*) Stop thinking about nailing down a specific plan! Pursue God and trust Him for the rest!
The fourth one seems the most 'faithful' and obedient to God's general desire for us as His creation -- that is, to not 'worry' about such things, to seek to please Him in everything I do and trust that doing so will, step-by-step, take me into a meaningful state of being in this life and in my relationship with Him -- but somehow, even though this is what I 'should' do, I generally find myself a little more occupied with the planning and researching and the sorting-out of details. But it doesn't exactly bring peace. I'm not saying planning is wrong -- I rather think it's a privileged responsibility -- but I am saying that I've not been supporting the other side of things as dutifully as I should.
It feels good to have established this, hopefully it will cause me to feel more accountable, to be more effective in pursuing God and God only. That's all I really want to do, deep down. What's keeping me back? What will move me forward?
Ayy, ayudame, porfavor.
Paz y muchas gracias,
Ashli : )
Or maybe just think about what tomorrow might include.
Or maybe just allow for some unrestricted, not-necessarily-organized thought. I think I like that option the best.
In that case,
#1: I miss North Carolina. I haven't seen a whooole lot of it, but the parts that I have been blessed enough to mingle in have --effortlessly, it seems -- managed to leave an impression on me. I can't deny that its people have a part in it, but on an equal slant, its super super natural beauty-- dark but lovely, bright but unassertive -- is beyond forgetting. I miss Boone, I miss that spot on the drive through the mountains that looks like the ocean in the distance, I miss Asheville. I'm so thankful for what North Carolina, piece by piece, has meant to me over the past couple of years. buuuut i miss it. buuut i trust God will make of this what He will.
#2: For whatever reason, film-making has greatly intrigued me, lately. Not like the big-scale, big time productions, but the small, simple (but so significant) ones. There's just something about preserving memories. About revealing a truth. About that feeling you get at the end of a movie -- that inspired one, that post-film buzz that really gets you going and motivates you beyond what you were before.
#3: The future looks like this:
Options, options!
I'm grateful for options, choosing is unnaturally (and probably unnecessarily) 'tough'
but it makes for a good-natured sort of predicament.
but anyway, the options:
(*) Head to West Africa in Jan. or February to teach missionary neen-yos as a Short-Term Assistant for about 7 months
(*) Attend the University of New Mexico in the fall to start on a Nutrition degree. Probably with a focus on community health. Probably in such a way that I could apply it to missions, for contributing to the well-being of communities any/every where in the world, even in the U.S.!
(*) Pursue a year-long internship with ECHO
(*) Stop thinking about nailing down a specific plan! Pursue God and trust Him for the rest!
The fourth one seems the most 'faithful' and obedient to God's general desire for us as His creation -- that is, to not 'worry' about such things, to seek to please Him in everything I do and trust that doing so will, step-by-step, take me into a meaningful state of being in this life and in my relationship with Him -- but somehow, even though this is what I 'should' do, I generally find myself a little more occupied with the planning and researching and the sorting-out of details. But it doesn't exactly bring peace. I'm not saying planning is wrong -- I rather think it's a privileged responsibility -- but I am saying that I've not been supporting the other side of things as dutifully as I should.
It feels good to have established this, hopefully it will cause me to feel more accountable, to be more effective in pursuing God and God only. That's all I really want to do, deep down. What's keeping me back? What will move me forward?
Ayy, ayudame, porfavor.
Paz y muchas gracias,
Ashli : )
Tuesday, May 6, 2008
So far, so...
super! I can't wait to tell you all about my wonderful day, and it's only 11:52 am!
Take care.
Okay, so it's been awhile since this was posted, but the time is finally right.
The wonderful day started with an early wake-up (the best kind ;) )
and proceeded with a trip to Panera (gift card :) ) for a soy chai latte -- a first there -- and some think-time.
Next was the Kroger across the street, where those applecinnamon muffin ingredients were ready and waiting in their places. Purchase and go
to disk exchange, where I bought four whole cd's!
they included:
Zero 7 [The Garden]
the Beautiful Girls [Water]
By the Tree
and a Coltrane album
(^John Coltrane)
On the way back to school I almost passed the fairly-new-to-Knoxville Amvets thrift store, but spontaneity prevented that from happening. As a result, I came out with the grandest find of 8! total skirts and one sweater, for a total of $21 dollars and 13 cents.
Altogether, it was the most money I have spent in a loong while, but I don't regret it. Especially since I got to get up and start the next day with muffins in the oven. There's something about baking for people that is super pleasing, and I'm thankful to have had the opportunity to do so once more before school was over.
Anyway, it was a good day!
Gracias, Padre, por lo que daste!
Peace and cubed carrots,
Ashli :)
Take care.
Okay, so it's been awhile since this was posted, but the time is finally right.
The wonderful day started with an early wake-up (the best kind ;) )
and proceeded with a trip to Panera (gift card :) ) for a soy chai latte -- a first there -- and some think-time.
Next was the Kroger across the street, where those applecinnamon muffin ingredients were ready and waiting in their places. Purchase and go
to disk exchange, where I bought four whole cd's!
they included:
Zero 7 [The Garden]
the Beautiful Girls [Water]
By the Tree
and a Coltrane album
(^John Coltrane)

On the way back to school I almost passed the fairly-new-to-Knoxville Amvets thrift store, but spontaneity prevented that from happening. As a result, I came out with the grandest find of 8! total skirts and one sweater, for a total of $21 dollars and 13 cents.
Altogether, it was the most money I have spent in a loong while, but I don't regret it. Especially since I got to get up and start the next day with muffins in the oven. There's something about baking for people that is super pleasing, and I'm thankful to have had the opportunity to do so once more before school was over.
Anyway, it was a good day!
Gracias, Padre, por lo que daste!
Peace and cubed carrots,
Ashli :)
good days,
The Beautiful Girls,
thrift store,
Zero 7
Monday, May 5, 2008
the list was nice for organizational purposes, but I certainly did not accomplish anything on that list. And it's totally okay! This afternoon, I presume, will provide sufficient opportunity to get some work done.
well that's all for now, hopefully there will be something more substantial to post about later.
well that's all for now, hopefully there will be something more substantial to post about later.
Sunday, May 4, 2008
No, no mister bed
I won't lay down my sleepy head
and succumb to your beguiling ways,
there's too much left to do today.

This poem came to me as I passed my rather inviting, today unmade, cama.
In order to ensure that I don't give in, I'm going to list the things that would be beneficial to get into tonight, that I might actually do them, rather than be wildly unproductive. Ooookay, here we go:
1. Get started on the completion of the work/study project (it's a doozy*) [for whatever reason, it's difficult for me to initiate a project unless I know I will be able to complete it in one sitting. That is, it seems my mind has something against a lot of starting and stopping, which, in fact, is probably why I always procrastinate. hmm]
2. Laundry (recycling is admirable, but it is generally not appreciated in Western society for somebody to wear the same thing two days in a row. When did we ever come to this? If something is clean, should I feel bad to wear it a second time? hmm.)
3. Work on Leah's picture. I'm making for a friend a little mixed media 'd rendering of Proverbs 3:13-17. It reads:
"Blessed is the one who finds wisdom, and the one who gets understanding
for the gain from her is better than silver, and her profit better than gold.
She is more precious than jewels and nothing you desire can compare with her.
Long life is in her right hand; in her left hand are riches and honor.
Her ways are of pleasantness, and all her paths are peace."
Generally the verse pictures are spontaneous and come to being as the result of consuming certain caffeinated delights too late in the evening, so when she said she wanted me to make her one, I honestly wasn't sure what verse to use. For fun, I searchkindly.com -med "peace bible verses" and found this one. It's alright, but I'm not sure if it 'fits.' Do you know that feeling? Like the one where you know that that something is just.. right? In any case, I'm still working on coming across it.
So I've officially filled my project time with writing a blog about doing it. Maybe somehow this will render me more effective in the end? Who knows I suppose. We'll see, huh?
*This combination of words reminded me of that popsicle called "Itzakadoozie."
Do you remember those? They had to have been the ice cream man's greatest profit in the old days -- the thing is so long. I remember I always wanted one, but they were too expensive so I always settled for the sno-cones, which I don't believe I ever fully finished.
I won't lay down my sleepy head
and succumb to your beguiling ways,
there's too much left to do today.
This poem came to me as I passed my rather inviting, today unmade, cama.
In order to ensure that I don't give in, I'm going to list the things that would be beneficial to get into tonight, that I might actually do them, rather than be wildly unproductive. Ooookay, here we go:
1. Get started on the completion of the work/study project (it's a doozy*) [for whatever reason, it's difficult for me to initiate a project unless I know I will be able to complete it in one sitting. That is, it seems my mind has something against a lot of starting and stopping, which, in fact, is probably why I always procrastinate. hmm]
2. Laundry (recycling is admirable, but it is generally not appreciated in Western society for somebody to wear the same thing two days in a row. When did we ever come to this? If something is clean, should I feel bad to wear it a second time? hmm.)
3. Work on Leah's picture. I'm making for a friend a little mixed media 'd rendering of Proverbs 3:13-17. It reads:
"Blessed is the one who finds wisdom, and the one who gets understanding
for the gain from her is better than silver, and her profit better than gold.
She is more precious than jewels and nothing you desire can compare with her.
Long life is in her right hand; in her left hand are riches and honor.
Her ways are of pleasantness, and all her paths are peace."
Generally the verse pictures are spontaneous and come to being as the result of consuming certain caffeinated delights too late in the evening, so when she said she wanted me to make her one, I honestly wasn't sure what verse to use. For fun, I searchkindly.com -med "peace bible verses" and found this one. It's alright, but I'm not sure if it 'fits.' Do you know that feeling? Like the one where you know that that something is just.. right? In any case, I'm still working on coming across it.
So I've officially filled my project time with writing a blog about doing it. Maybe somehow this will render me more effective in the end? Who knows I suppose. We'll see, huh?
Peace and harmony and the occasional "well-now-that's-intriguing" dischord,
*This combination of words reminded me of that popsicle called "Itzakadoozie."

Thursday, May 1, 2008
Yesterday evening
was my first time ever visiting the Knoxville city co-op -- I absolutely cannot believe I have managed to wait so long before going there! It is a healthy foods treasure chest, a sort of vegan's paradise, if you will. And all with that Tennessee charm, no less.
I am thankful for its contributions to my most peculiar of mornings, that is
for supplying the tofurky sandwich (complete with veganaise and miso) that
waited patiently in the cooler until 7:18 am
at which point it accompanied the chilly early morning sit on the concrete overlook
and fueled a time of great reflection with equally as enjoyable company.
At times I am convinced that it is these peculiar moments that makes life so wonderful.
I am thankful for its contributions to my most peculiar of mornings, that is
for supplying the tofurky sandwich (complete with veganaise and miso) that
waited patiently in the cooler until 7:18 am
at which point it accompanied the chilly early morning sit on the concrete overlook
and fueled a time of great reflection with equally as enjoyable company.
At times I am convinced that it is these peculiar moments that makes life so wonderful.
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