I won't lay down my sleepy head
and succumb to your beguiling ways,
there's too much left to do today.
This poem came to me as I passed my rather inviting, today unmade, cama.
In order to ensure that I don't give in, I'm going to list the things that would be beneficial to get into tonight, that I might actually do them, rather than be wildly unproductive. Ooookay, here we go:
1. Get started on the completion of the work/study project (it's a doozy*) [for whatever reason, it's difficult for me to initiate a project unless I know I will be able to complete it in one sitting. That is, it seems my mind has something against a lot of starting and stopping, which, in fact, is probably why I always procrastinate. hmm]
2. Laundry (recycling is admirable, but it is generally not appreciated in Western society for somebody to wear the same thing two days in a row. When did we ever come to this? If something is clean, should I feel bad to wear it a second time? hmm.)
3. Work on Leah's picture. I'm making for a friend a little mixed media 'd rendering of Proverbs 3:13-17. It reads:
"Blessed is the one who finds wisdom, and the one who gets understanding
for the gain from her is better than silver, and her profit better than gold.
She is more precious than jewels and nothing you desire can compare with her.
Long life is in her right hand; in her left hand are riches and honor.
Her ways are of pleasantness, and all her paths are peace."
Generally the verse pictures are spontaneous and come to being as the result of consuming certain caffeinated delights too late in the evening, so when she said she wanted me to make her one, I honestly wasn't sure what verse to use. For fun, I searchkindly.com -med "peace bible verses" and found this one. It's alright, but I'm not sure if it 'fits.' Do you know that feeling? Like the one where you know that that something is just.. right? In any case, I'm still working on coming across it.
So I've officially filled my project time with writing a blog about doing it. Maybe somehow this will render me more effective in the end? Who knows I suppose. We'll see, huh?
Peace and harmony and the occasional "well-now-that's-intriguing" dischord,
*This combination of words reminded me of that popsicle called "Itzakadoozie."

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