Monday, May 30, 2011

Travel (B)log 2

Guten Abend (good night!) Or early evening, perhaps for you. Right now the clock tells me 11:49 pm, but my body remains convinced of something closer to dinnertime.
Though remarkably confusing, one fascinating aspect of Germany at this time of year (und perhaps all the time?) is that the evening stays bright for a long time. In this case, for example, a ten o'clock sky here seems more like a late 7 or an early 8 pm.

Germany has shown me a lot to like, and we'll get to those specials in a moment. First, you might enjoy knowing more about what we've been up to recently.

I arrived in Zurich, Switzerland on Friday morning, where I met a KM representative at the airport, along with another couple who came for the BAD trip. As it turned out, they're also from Columbus! They are a sweet couple, a pregnant couple, and a couple determined to learn more about God's work in Europe, even though it meant parting with their 18 month-old for these couple of weeks. They are kind and focused and have servanthood in their hearts; the kind that shows in the small things. We waited with our fantastic KM leader, Allie, for an hombre and muchacha (still have a lot of German vocabulary to learn,) who also planned to attend a KM trip this summer (though theirs had more hopeful title-recognition)

From what I've seen so far, Germany has a significant level of quality in a lot of areas. For example;
Cleanliness, order and organization, helpfulness, and healthfulness. This last one has me really excited. To my delight,the national preference steers immensely clear of artificial-and-added everything. Our group had the immense privilege of staying at the Hotel Raitelberg in Wüstenrot, Germany for Kontaktmission's 'Crash Weekend,' an orientation period that provided much more encouragement than anyone might reasonably expect from its name, and served as an excellent way to start the trip. I almost feel bad writing about it. Almost, if it wasn't for the amazing portrait of God's unexpected and great provision.
The hotel, a Five-star establishment, offered a breakfast, lunch and dinner of the best foods I have ever eaten on so consistent a basis. Typically, the German breakfast consists of bread or a roll (think the best texture and ingredients you have ever eaten)(and apply this to every comestible component mentioned, hereafter,) with cheese and meats to give it fullness. The hotel far exceeded tradition in providing, additionally, the finest tasting cheeses (a sparkling silvery platter of brie's and swisses and everything else you could dream of making your breakfast (yes, breakfast!) complete,) meats, eggs, and vegetables [yeah!], a variety of natural, fresh jams, and even cute packets of Nutella. They especially turned the tide by providing a yogurt bar of sorts with nuts and fresh fruit (including pineapple and kiwi. Daily!) (and even flax and pumpkin seeds!) and offering a wide selection of teas, juices (individual bottles of such as cherry, banana, orange, passionfruit...) hot coffee at every table; not too light, not too dark, not to medium. Absolutely all alright.

How ever could we have deserved to stay here? Not a thing.
The part I can't believe I did not even mention yet; it cost 50 Euro (about $71 US dollars) to sleep, eat, shower and convene there for 3 nights' stay. Unbelievable, except for the generosity of the owner, who happens to come from the same family as the director of KM, Mr. Dieter. To ease missonaries' load, he offers reduced rates for them to have a nice place to stay and relax and refresh. Mealtime blew me away, everytime. What a fantastic reminder of the possible goodness and fullness of life offered us in Christ's gift.

This post could (continue to) go on forever. The past few days have been so well-occupied its been difficult to write as extensively and fully as you all deserve to read and be informed, but hopefully if I divide the following days and occurrences into smaller portions of informational relay, it'll come more easily.

The Crash weekend ended Sunday morning, and we left for a day trip soon after to visit a (distant but still)nearby church. We did not leave, however, without first meeting for lunch -- everyone's last collective event before parting ways. During this time, I had a chance to talk with my main contact, Rob Harris, and one of his fellow workers, Artur about Member Care. What I found was that KM has no Member Care program, and not even a structure. In Europe, 'Member Care' exists as an organization, and offers regular seminars about various important topics in the work and its development throughout Europe. All of KM's leaders have received decent educations in the ways of Member Care through these seminars, but, unfortunately, lack the time so necessary for giving people and their needs the time and attention they call for. Right now, nobody does this full-time with KM. Right now, this is among their biggest needs.
We discussed my own experience and interest, and it came to the understanding that, after a while, experience as learning becomes the extension to formal 'education.' This makes a way for understanding and growth, and brings this understanding into active reality. If I'm interested, "we can start moving that direction." More to come.

After lunch, we were off to visit Steinheim, the Village of the first church on our list. Its been around for 17 years, and has just begun to experience its greatest liveliness yet. The Pastor had been there five years before anyone made a decision to follow Christ. This type of difficulty seems a common occurrence, and must feel so difficult. What has been neat to learn and see evidenced from everyone we've heard from so far is the fruit that comes from faithfulness. Even if nothing seems to 'work,' we can stay faithful. God is glorified in this! From him, I gained two really significant thoughts.
1) "It's not theory they're looking for, it's life."
2) "You will see how everything develops in the work." (About doing what we can to prepare but not knowing what to expect about how life might progress from there.)

Today, Monday, we initiated the first full day of the BAD trip [Very full -- we left at 5:43 am!] with a visit to Neues Leben(New Life) Seminary in Wölmersen, West-Central Germany. There, we learned about the school and its aims, and also had the chance to visit two area-churches. One of this school's distinguishing features is its emphasis on Sports Ministry, and, in fact, may be the only school in (Germany?) to offer a a track for this area of interest. Additionally, we were able to visit nearby SRS, a wide-reaching and widely-recognized sports as missions ministry.

Tomorrow, Cologne.

Pictured; Village of Wüstenrot.

Additional highlights:
Learning German Vokabular.
Consistently HUGE, square pillows at the hotels.
3 pm Coffee and Cake. Everyone does it!
No air conditioning. Cultural preference for window - airflow.
Germans' English often including some use of the word 'quite.' Quite endearing.

Oh yeah! We had free time on Friday afternoon before the program began. After returning from a walk, I was asked whether I'd like to join a group for their visit to 'the Castle.' I remembered wise words from my neighbor Edna to see all that I could see. So I went! Here's what I got to see.

unsere Transport (Our Transportation)

Flugzeuge, Züge und Autos

If you keep your window open

Lights on;
bring the moths.
What do moths do with the light, anyway?

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Travel (B)log 1

Guten Morgen!

Peanut butter, a loofah and tea (tropical yerba mate!) sit expectantly on my floor, along with a blank journal, Austria in Poetry and History, and Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close, by Jonathan Safran Foer. This same man authored Everything is Illuminated, part of which involves a Jon-fen Elijah Wood in a train across and meaningful journey throughout Eastern Europe. That train ride has inspired through its images, in me, the desire to see and know a similar experience.
Today I leave for the 'BAD' trip (Belguim, Austria, Deutschland,) with Kontaktmission to learn more about church planting in Europe, as well as 'Member Care,' or counseling for missionaries. Little did I suspect our coordinators to suggest we fly into Switzerland in order to save on airfare. Much less did I expect we'd get to travel to their headquarters Stuttgart, Germany by train!
As much as the transportation itself, I look forward to the places it will take us. I'm excited to think about the shift and depth of perspective all the new personalities, stories and cultures we'll come to know have to share about God; who He is, how He loves, and even parts of Him I've never thought about before.
For now, I still have packing to do! Somehow I'll find a way to fit everything on the floor into my suitcase, and keep it under fifty pounds. This trip comes with adventure all the way through.

Prepare for a jet-lag-tinged update!

In His Peace,

Who said 'getting your bag ready' couldn't be fun?

Saturday, May 21, 2011


A couple days ago I came across an album of my parents in their twenties. (^That's not them.)

Some enigmatic, knowing reality looks me in the eyes
when I see photos of those in youth whom I only know in age.

Time changes and we search for what remains.

Friday, May 20, 2011


"I just remembered tomorrow's the day they say will be the end of the world."
"Anyway, after the shower tomorrow, there's going to be a huge earthquake, and it's going to swallow us all."
"Good thing we have hope."

This very interaction really did just take place. Thankfully, mom relays the important news to me when I forget to stay current.

Thursday, May 19, 2011

Salmon and Ramen

dinner for the second night in a row. A tremendous f(eat) for someone so longtime cafeteria-bound. I thought I would have tasted this freedom by fully savoring all its variety. (In some defense, tonight did include vegetables and tahini for dippin.)
Maybe I have demonstrated just-as valid liberty in choosing to repeat the same odd meal.
Salmon and ramen. How could it taste this good?
It's so satisfying I guess I don't much mind.

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

not long, Berlin.
how long, Brooklyn?

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

What to make of life and taste
when grapefruit-sour becomes a peculiar sweet?

All at once a Techno for Tai Chi and Chai Tea

You never run out of rain.
You never run out of sun.

Sunday, May 15, 2011


Remain open, honest, and fair.

After a
ends, it continues in our response.

Have we given enough reflection to our experiences
to have found them worth our while?
(Is reflection the only means to valuable asset, or the experience itself?)

Active processing (physically, emotionally, spiritually)
as difficult work, but that what produces real fruit.

Perfection may come devoid of heart
But heart; of nothing.

Thankful for the Holy Spirit's willingness to guide me.
And not just to guide, but to propel.
And not just to propel, but to shape me whole.

This generous exchange;
substantially satisfying.

Tuesday, May 10, 2011


Neural patterns in the primate retina.
- John A. Moran Eye Center, Research

Tuesday, May 3, 2011


when reflection has become the only way I truly see
warm sunshine fresh spirited air

such Fleet Fox-y days

we anticipate
even dark and cold

qualify for this same designation!

seasons savory
song and dance du'jour

may we enjoy life well