Monday, April 30, 2012

Astounded, thankful, joyful, hopeful in the Lord.

Sunday, April 29, 2012

Ready to learn German, Arabic, French... whatever I can!

Thursday, April 26, 2012

Where Your Heart Delights Most... Do That.

Tonight was too fantastic for words, and yet too glorious not to lend it a few.

The kind of night the (more socially acceptable) store, where you'll secure gardiniera mix and a baguette for dipping in morning coffee like the French people in the movie, closed at 8 and it's much past 9 so you head to Wal Mart.  And there's that one greeter, that really genuinely gracious wise man whose smile has said and always will say "Do you know how much God loves you! (Beam)"  And for once you have a chance to let him know how welcomed his smile makes you feel, and he shares about how special, how special, how special it was to hear that, because (tears) he'd been praying about it that morning especially, that God would show His light and love through him.  And the special moment He's thankful to you for sharing what you shared, and You're thankful to God for sharing what you shared through you -- and you remember just what blessing feels like.

And you're driving home and twist-pop the glass jar metal lid to enjoy with the glove-compartment-spare-plastic-fork your long-sought-after gardiniera, to notice after a few bites the prevalence of jalapeno peppers -- and how you forgot about the 'hot' one, and therefore, about selecting it over regular, but how you had inadvertently gotten it anyway (score!) so you enjoy it all the more, mostly cauliflower, maybe the only way you really appreciate cauliflower.  And you remember the sourdough baguette and tear off an end, this time mindful of the other French movie (what is it with...) where the country preacher eats nothing but bread soaked in wine, and so subconsciously somewhere vinegar is good as wine, and as significant, you remember -- soaking bread in vinegar - like the sponge offered to Jesus on the cross (what was the aim of that again?  anaesthetic?)  So anyway, you dip it in, take a spongy bite and immediately downplay the sourness, though it's really so, so acidic.  And you downplay, play tough, deny the punch in your mind even though your mouth's still writhing, and you continue to downplay, priding yourself on your tolerance and pleasure in the acidity, until that slight, humbling Spirit's voice admonishes you to "call it as it is."  To experience things as they really are.  Vinegar wasn't ever meant to be sweet.  Vinegar is vinegar - it's cutting, sharp.  And there's worth enough in its own true properties than to cover them over with some other more likable trait, that really [is]n't at all.  So you think to yourself, "why do I feel the need to be seen as tough and acid-tolerant," and your realize tough fronts are to cover weakness, and how weak you [are]!  God, I don't need to be strong on my own when I have You!  What a relief. 

And the radio continues in classical public radio mode, something about (Wagner?) and the wedding Sonata he wrote for a man to play for his woman come wedding-aisle-descent time.  And this wedding took place in Brussels, where it was so dark inside, he had to play virtually the whole Sonata by memory.  And you think of how much practice went into this, to play it perfectly for his bride!  To have practiced enough to memorize each bit, the whole!  And what of those prayers for Belgium the past few days, to flood the heavy darkness with His light in every respect.   Connections?  He's Belgium's groom, He's dedicated to her, and there's hope.. there's hope!!  The wedding has only begun, no?  He's soon to show her the fullness of His love, and how hopeful and beautiful it is! 

And you're wild inside at the memory of all this and the thought of taking the time to write it all out, but what better occupation than to acknowledge the blessing you've been shown, particularly since you've prayed about this very thing; that God would make Himself and His love known to you, and that you would stay true to his nuances through music, finding meaning in it all not by effort but rather by default, and you took mental note when He sang to you, "Baby, write this down..."  And yes!  What a blessing you have to write and share His love, in the peculiars of the little 'nothings' of life, and doesn't that quite relate to the verse you recently read, stating that He uses the weak and insignificant, the quietest, the inconsequential - to make the loudest, most profound statements.  And you realize it's not unlike you.  What blessing!

And the best part is, you'd seen Mr. Oscar at that entrance twice before, and both times felt so appreciated and welcome, for walking in the door.  And you'd known and felt that blessing.  And tonight when you express it, and he shares his prayer from the morning and starts to cry, you realize the cool thing about all of it was that God was already answering his prayer to let His light and love shine, He had already been those two other times -- God 'had been' answering Mr. Oscar's prayer even before he prayed it, felt it in his heart.  Whaaaat delight, then, when you could lean in close (old ears) and share that the song overhead was just pleading "heaven let your light shine down."  "Well, you're going to make me cry, again."

Keep praying, you never know how it's already going to have been answered.  And listen.  If God can touch my heart through country music, He. can. use. it. all!

Sunday, April 22, 2012


hopeful, hopeful, hopeful.  what else?

Wednesday, April 18, 2012


Just today, just right now.

Sunday, April 15, 2012

After long last, a (tentative) plan.

Big change for my AICM girls, and, consequently, me -- much of May just opened up, (1-23rd) and I intend to make the most of it!

Here's the idea so far --

Traveling is always more fun with friends, so if you would like to join or meet up for any part of it, let me know!  As for dates, I'm looking to begin in Flagstaff early May, then take my time exploring California, ultimately to make my way toward Reno, NV a week out from the end of May.  I'll likely leave here early June for Vancouver and every beautiful stop along the way, and from there I plan to visit my father near Albuquerque for some good quality time before traveling back to Ohio.  I'm blessed to know a good amount of lovely people situated along the way, but for the rest will lean on the Couch Surfing / WWOOFing networks to meet new people, see their cities from their perspective, and hopefully make good use of my affection for helping weed gardens :).  Please please please let me know if you're interested in going the same path for any length!  Also, nearly everything but the time in NV is pretty flexible so if you're interested and would like to make some adjustments, let me know and we'll see if we can work it out!

Take care amigas y amigos,

Ashley :)

go lightly

Thursday, April 12, 2012

To Mom

You did it!  So proud of you, Momma :).
Enjoy the reading.

Much love,


Anything is Possible?

I want to learn German, French, Biblical Greek, Arabic, Portuguese, Russian, Italian, Japanese, Mandarin, Cantonese.. to start.  By immersion as possible!  Maybe then Hindi? Greek, Catalan, Khmer, Ukranian, Pashto, Swedish, Korean, Shqip?!.. okay, okay.  I know.  Just shootin for las estrellas! ;)

I'd like to learn more about Member Care.

I want to make tea; produce it, process it, share it, enjoy it.

I want to garden, anywhere, everywhere; experience community, help at market.

I want to use my horticultural skills to share life with others who could use the help, the new knowledge, the nutritional and social and economic benefit.

I'm languishing in my soul for jam sessions, singing, ooooh!  House shows! Acoustics. Singing along! Ooh!
Love to have more cello in my life than the kind in digital form.

Want to live to love and serve however I was best made to.

Pretty cool, Oldschool Burlington, WA

Saturday, April 7, 2012


"The main thing — and the most obvious area of commonality between Hitchens, Orwell, and Adams — is that everything used in the making of tea must be very hot. All the warming and boiling and swishing of hot water can be made to sound complicated, but it’s actually operating on a very simple principal: Because the hottest brew is the most flavorful tea, the entire tea-making process is about taking the hottest possible elements, mixing them together in the hottest possible environment, and then preserving as much of that heat as possible as they infuse."

Friday, April 6, 2012

Today I saw a shade of green like I have never seen before.  It was black, and leathery.
It is good to stop and look down,
kneel at the ground
every once in a while.

But always keep going.

In everything, the sun.
Take care to live by only the purest and most selfless of motivations, and these in wisdom and truth.

Leftover Brown Rice

+ oats + almond milk + peanut butter + almonds + cinnamon.

Redemption and new purpose for everything.

Thursday, April 5, 2012

Okay, wind.  Blow me away.