Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Hooray for warm attire,Iron Chef, first attempts at Spanakopita and the relief that is a tomorrow off!

Yesterday evening I made some hummus and, since we lack pita, made a couple of chapatis to keep the carrots company while dipping! I don't know if that last word of the last sentence was grammatically correct but this is beside the point. We had some whole wheat flour so I used that in place of chapati flour most recipes called for. I havent't the time or cheesecloth to make ghee so I just left the butter out, poured a little flour in the bowl and added some water until the consistency looked good. Ooh, also I added a little salt. They cooked well in a tiny bit of coconut oil (my current fave, for this sort of preparation, anyway) and served their purpose well!

Before leaving Kroger yesterday with all of my ingredients, I made a quick stop in the alternative foods section to check out any Managers Specials that may have been so conspicuously adhered to the nearly-out-of-date vegan/vegetarian delights. The only product this time was the pepperjack veggie "cheese." This stuff has had my curiosity for a while but is so expensive that I've never really given it a try. This was a good opportunity!

I wasn't really sure what to do with it so I thought it would be cool to add another dip for the chapatis and so cut it into little cubes, heated some milk on the stovetop (kind of undermines the vegan thing but ohh well) and tossed them in. And stirred. For a loooong time. Anyway, it turned out pretty nicely! I was afraid to try the vheese (my new verbal construct for this particular product)on its own for the first long while, but eventually my curiosity got around to it. The vheese itself had less 'flavor' than cheese, and also a different consistency. I suppose it is lacking some creaminess on both accounts. I personally am okay with vheese's consistency but I can understand how somebody might not appreciate it as keenly.

The timer is telling me this vegan spanakopita is done cooking! Perhaps I can add some hummus a few chapatis to make it a more complete Grecian ... / Indian ... meal. I mmmm looking forward to this din din :).

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