Thursday, June 11, 2009

I couldn't be vegan, I like cheese too much

not to mention yogurt. And mango laasi! And many more.

Nevertheless, I made vegan cinnamon rolls this morning. I think I'm going to puke.

Haha not really, now -- they're just so stinkin' sweet... I found the original recipe while searching whole wheat cinnamon rolls in the google engine. These popped up and as it ended up, had reidence on a vegan, fat-free recipe website. They looked pretty good, and were the only ones I could find that did not require the yeast dough-mixture to sit for "1- 1 1/2 hours" before further manipulation. May as well give it a shot, right?

Well, I guess. After my eagerness to get going on the recipe had far outweighed my desire to continue the search, I realized it called for pastry flour (of which we have none.) As far as I know, the only difference is that is is very fine. For a brief moment I contemplated food-processoring some whole wheat flour, but then suspected that might be a bad idea... and came up with an even better one! For the three cups of flour, I processed three cups of oats with just a few walnuts until fairly fine. That would have to do the trick.

As a result, they turned out pretty mealy rather than fluffy puffy... as the song goes,
ain't nothing like the real thing.

Next time I'll get up earlier.

At least they look cool :).

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