Monday, March 17, 2008

For Productivity's Sake...

the television will conveniently be "broken" today : ).

I did not set my eyes intently upon any t.v. screen this entire last semester, except for that one time in the EAC when we were eating our dinner and my accompaniments chose to orient themselves toward the television (great for conversation and relationship-building, let me tell ya) and that 'Cash Cab' show was on. I'm pretty certain that's about it.

Yet somehow, every time I come home the power of 562 channels at my command manages to overcome. Granted, my attention remains captivated by only one of them; The Food Network. I so enjoy learning from Mr. Alton Brown, cake-making somehow fascinates me to no end, The Iron Chef is mine and mom's quality time -- wonderful. It's probably about the most wholesome network left, and while no channel is worth my time, [except for maybe the occasional 4,6&10 news broadcast] it's the only thing I can justify spending time with, now that shows like Doug, The Magic Schoolbus and Wishbone are off the air. Bummer.

Anyway, I anticipate it will be a very nice day! The weather isn't exactly conducive to a lovely walk through the park or anything, but perhaps that is a very good thing -- I have a crush on sunshine when it's not being shy or overshadowed by those bully clouds, but crushes can be distracting, too! Perhaps, then, this overcast is all for the best. Especially when I consider this hefty sum of correspondence coursework that must get finished...and soon!

For the sake of organization, I will attempt to lay out the day in a relatively ordered fashion (today can be an experiment in productivity; we'll see how it goes with this little itenerary):

7:38 am -- Wake up!
8:00 am -- Collect those wandering thoughts!
9:00 am-- Run
9:20 am -- Shower / Get Ready for the day
10:00 am-- Gather everything necessary/useful for being in-town, do w/e else is necessary
11:00 am -- Leave
11:35 am -- Meet at Grandma and Grandpa's for lunch with Grandma!

Phew! That's enough planning for now. I anticipate I will probably go to the library (not only will I be able to do homework -- there will also be the added privilege of hopefully tracking down and crossing out some of the libros on my list!) Perhaps homework will also spread out to a coffee shop... or two(?) :). We'll see.

I'll report back later about how this planning thing worked out, whether it made me more productive, whether it serves any purpose at all... vamos a ver.

Hasta luego, amigos.

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