Friday, August 1, 2008

Yesterday I got a phone call from China

This may as well be written down because, as Dad says, if it turns out to be the beginning of some incredible new development, it will be most beneficial to have kept record of the very initial points, or, in this case, a preface (of sorts.) And, if it happens to be something I'd never get into again, then I'd best write about it because it is an experience to remember. Either way, then, there is no excuse not to write.
Glory to God.

Just so youall know, I've Sufjan playing on the ipod and all of my favorites have played back-to-back. 4 in a row, now, out of all of them. God loves. God loves us.
(All the Trees of the Field Will Clap Their Hands
That Dress Looks Nice on You
Vito's Ordination Song)

About a month ago after church as we were drawing the weekly Schlaegel-Family reunion to a close, I crossed paths with Mrs. Barb Jones. In the process of our catching up, she, like many other inquisitive loved ones as of late, said something to the tune of:

"So I saw that you're all done with school now! That's so great!
What was it you studied again?
What is the plan, now? "

Yes, yes it is!
I studied Missions and the Bible!
Good question!

HE JUST MADE REPLAY ONE OF THE AFOREMENTIONED ^ FAVORITES, that is, the one that, when I hear it, captivates my heart and reminds that he loves me so so much.. deeply, intimately. So much.
(I am blown away.)

After she heard missions, I believe some synapses flared in her mind that led her to suggest to me
"Oh, welll, speaking of missions, somebody mentioned to me recently something about how they're needing help in China or Japan or something like that. I can't remember which one it is, but I'll just find out and let you know next week!"

Oh my gosh.. He just did it again. The same one, Hes made play, like, every other song.
My heart has that exploding feeling.
Melting, now.

He's doing it again.

So the next week rolls around (June 22nd, now) and to my dismay, I did not see Barb! I did, however, see Ms. Candice, who informed me that someone informed her to inform me ... :) ... that it was neither China, nor Japan, it was Cambodia. I asked her if she knew what 'it' was, exactly. She said she had no clue. I said okiedokie.
After church mom and I stole away to the Worthington Art Festival. Not twenty two minutes after arriving, we ran into Bill and Tri, a husband and wife couple who are friends from church. The inevitable question about education and plans slipped its way in again, which I addressed with all my updates, and even mentioned that somebody mentioned something about Cambodia that could be cool, and it would be neat to learn more about.
Tri said: "Oh! Youuuuuuu're the one Barb talked to! I was the one that told her about that! Bill and I have friends that just left to do missions work, and they're actually looking for [good examples] to hire as English teachers..." She filled me in on more details, and got my information.

Later that week, I got an email from her saying that I should feel free to contact John and Cheri, her friends. I did so. They were nice, and we began to learn more about each other through exchanged emails. At one point about a week later they let me know that if I could send in my resume and picture, they could take a look around to see if there were any schools that could use me. I did so.

That was the last I heard from them since yesterday morning.

My cell phone rang with an unavailable number.
If there is a deep-voiced Bubble-Monster who sound like he's talking underwater, that's who was on the other line. I couldn't understand a thing, so the conversation ended shortly after I kindly suggested the caller might try to call back and hopefully it would work out better!

Five minutes later came another ringadingding on the cell phone. The number started with 861, and was followed by ten other numbers. That's an obscure phone number, I thought. I answered.

"Hello, is this Ashley Dawson?!"
"Yes, this is she :)"
"Hi Ashley, this is John, Bill and Tri's friend."

He said that they had tried using Skype before, but sometimes it just doesn't work so well. So he decided to give the direct line a shot. After explaining that, he gave me a local number, which connected to their 'home' computer in Ohio, and sent it along to them where they were. Which, I found out as the 47-minute conversation progressed, was not Cambodia, but instead, China. Surprises all over the place!

Anyway, we had a great conversation about where they lived, what they were doing, how they had been praying for somebody to join them... And did I still think this was something I was up for? I said it certainly was cool and sounds great, I just haven't made a decision yet. Then he told me about the process for actually making it happen, which brought me round to the reality that was the urgency of making a decision. No pressure, of course, but it would be really great if, for the purpose of getting everything together, should need be, I could let them know that evening. 12 hours later.

I wish my writing skills and mind were fresh enough to put together this vibrant, awesome, well-writted, all-details-included story of how this has all happened, but unfortunately I'm getting a bit sleepy. For this reason, I will bring up the following information/facts/tidbits

- They need someone to teach in the 'Middle School' setting (age 11-14)
- That person would be teaching Oral English
- Room / board covered, small salary paid, just need to purchase plane ticket to get there, which
would be reimbursed later. They would also pay for the ticket back home.
- The term lasts one year
- I would need to be there by August 29th

- Surprise.

There is so much else to mention.. for the sake of selectivity...
- I evaluated my personal reasons for not going, and realized that they were, for the most part, pretty selfish:
*I would not get to visit Tennessee / Candice / Leah, Wendy, Rachel, Matt, Nikki...
* I would not get to visit New Mexico and spend more time with Dad and Kathleen
* It's not home / Mom / Ohio / Schlaegel family...
* I would not be working a "job" that will pay super well (more mom's concern, but I see the validity)

Anyway, it occurred to me that these are completely selfish. I, I, I.
Wasn't it getting through that God had placed this need, this opportunity immediately in front of me? That He was giving me -- me! -- the opportunity to allow him to work through me to help others know how much he loves them!

A couple verses helped me as I considered these things...

Matthew 10:39
"Whoever finds his life will lose it, and whoever loses his life for my sake will find it."

2 Corinthians 5: 13-15
"If we are out of our mind, it is for the sake of God; if we are in our right mind, it is for you. For Christ's love compels us, because we are convinced that one died for all, and therefore all died. And he died for all, that those who live should no longer live for themselves but for him who died for them and was raised again."

My life is not my own.

Latest news: I called last night, and said yes.

They are devising the contract and will send it today, then it will be official.

Gloria a Dios!

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