Monday, May 28, 2012

This is no boring road you're traveling, by any means. 
This is two-handed, take-your-time,
"Lord, the views you've made!"
have you ever seen anything more beautiful
  kind of driving.
Don't got too fast-
  speed up,
and tax your vehicle
  and your own energy,
but you may risk not seeing
   those leaves
   the twist of that branch
   the color of that wood,
   that bark's unique hold on that tree,
       your own breath.

So, stop a while.
   Listen to your car tick, feel the hunger in your stomach, check out the moss on that tree!  (The tree on that moss!)  Pray the advancing-only-other-person-up-here doesn't mean shady business, and that someone finds this if (s)he does, and that their cough goes away, leaves them and leaves them alleviated either way,
sit amazed at how a little altitude, elevation-and-a-view --- an elevated perspective --- can overcome the noise of a whole big city,
muse over Incubus' correctness/wisdom "to obtain the bird's eye...", give the motorcyclists a head start.
   Praise the Lord, praise the Lord,
       praise the Lord.
   Oh my soul, rejoice!  and let all
that is in me
          that is in me


How do you remember a place like this?  There is little left than to be appreciative.

Thank you, Lord.

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